Sports & Leisure

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Education & Leisure


Schools, colleges and sports facilities use our products to greatly reduce the risk of injury on the playing field, in the school yard or gym.

We supply Impact/bump protection covers to reduce the risk of Personal injury. Our bespoke protection products can be designed for both indoor &outdoor applications for Schools/Colleges and Leisure facilities, enabling people to carry out their activities in a safer environment.

Goalpost protection covers – Outdoor Football Academies

‘Padded protection covers designed to fit any size required, thus, preventing the risk of potential injury to Personnel. The covers can be produced with your own design/logo printed on them.

Padded ‘hazard warning’ protection cover (used on sports equipment machines)

Padded ‘hazard warning’ Impact/bump protection covers, designed to reduce the risk of Personal injury, whilst also giving protection to the leisure equipment &machines. Our bespoke protection products can be designed for both indoor &outdoor applications for Schools/Colleges and Leisure facilities, enabling people to carry out their activities in a safer environment.